Clinical Trials Research Office

The Clinical Research Site at Jordan University Hospital (JUH) is located in the heart of Jordan in the Capital, Amman. The clinical site was established in 2014 to meet the growing global need for finding better health solutions for patients.


ü It is located in Amman, the capital city, near the Airport.

ü Presence of large patient pool: Availability of patients in a hospital that can be recognized as a home for treating naïve patients and a tertiary referral center with diverse profiles.

ü The presence of a wealth of expertise and highly qualified medical professionals with international accreditation with excellent English language skills.

ü The presence of all medical specialties in a modern and leading referral regional educational hospital (JUH).

ü Investigators willingness and eager to participate in clinical trials and be part of the international trial community.

ü Technology infrastructure is being developed to the highest standards in the hospital.

ü Presence of source document: excellent documentation with an electronic system.

ü The presence of a local IRB committee in the hospital that JFDA accredited facilitates approval for clinical studies with approval time that does not exceed one month.

ü Accredited local hospital labs.

ü Limited access pharmacy to investigational products with a central monitoring system (BMS).

ü The presence of office facilities at the clinical site.


All together makes, the clinical site at JUH a highly qualified pioneer center for clinical and pharmaceutical research not only in Jordan but also in the region. The Clinical Site is accredited by the Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA), and Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA).  In addition, all clinical trials at JUH are regulated by the locally and internationally accepted GCP guidelines. With the successful finalization of many international clinical studies (phase I-IV), our clinical team proved its commitment to providing high-quality services that meet international standards.



Contact us:


Professor Rana Obaidat

962-65353444 /2608