Inpatient Guidelines



Factors affecting policies of JUH Admission Office:

1- Urgency of patient case.

2- Availability of medical specialty.

3- Number of available beds.



Who decide on Hospital Admission?

Patients are admitted to JUH under patient’s personal specialist request (member of the faculty of Medicine, The University of Jordan)


Priorities for Hospital Admissions:

JUH solves the problem of the growing demand for hospitalization in the face of bed shortage by setting the following priorities:

1- Emergency cases (Life Threatening Situations) admitted to the hospital under the request of the concerned specialist.


2- Non-Urgent Cases



Important information needed for patients admission to JUH:

           JUH internal system specified the important social information that must be given to JUH administrative office, such as, patient’s name, age, gender, marital status, address, national number, health insurance type…etc, as well as other important administrative information like patient’s medical file number, date of admission, diagnosis, patient’s specialist, transference, normal or legal case…etc.


           Patient’s ID card, family book, passport for non-Jordanians, exemption document from any official party, transference document, and any other official documents related to patient’s admission to the hospital.


           Paying any financial requirements for admission according to patients’ health insurance type.


              Patient/legal guardian has to sign an authorization document which enables JUH medical staff to conduct any necessary medical procedure needed.

           Taking patient’s consent to receive telephone calls in his/her room or to block them (noted that any out-calls will be paid according to special pricing).

           Patient will receive an identification armband upon admission, and asked to check to ensure it has his/her correct information.


           If patient is in a serious medical need for a family member, caregiver, friend while being hospitalized, patient should ask his/her doctor’s permission.

           Patient companion should  respect JUH rules and policies, summarized in the following:

1. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the hospital

2. Companions should stay in their patients’ rooms.

3. Speaking softly and avoiding unnecessary noise.

4. Bathrooms in patient rooms are for patient use only. Patients’ companions should use public bathrooms.

5. If patient companion wants to leave the hospital for a while, he/ she must tell the nursing supervisor in patient’s floor, assuring to return before 9 p.m.


6. Male companions are prohibited in female suites and vice versa.